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How to use Plastic Formwork in Concrete Construction?

Last updated on September 26th, 2022 at 01:39 am

Over the last few years, plastic formwork have become one of the most popular formwork types in the construction industry. The many benefits of using plastic formwork in concrete construction works have made it one of the most sought-after materials. It eases the construction process, is labour-friendly, speeds up the project time, and is pocket friendly in the long run. Owing to these advantages, the use of plastic formwork has risen rapidly among construction businesses.

There are numerous other traditional formwork types in the market today. However, the drift towards plastic formworks has changed the way construction businesses operate. There are new players in the market and newer technological enhancements coming in by the minute. It’s become all the more important for businesses to stay abreast of these changes and embrace new methods and trends. Hence, the need to discuss the many plastic formwork applications are part of this change.

Let’s now look at the various benefits plastic formworks offers to construction businesses. We’ll also delve into how you can use plastic formworks in concrete construction.

What is plastic formwork and why choose it for your construction business?

The use of plastic formwork involves creating strengthened, cast-in-place concrete structures using plastic moulds. Formwork helps quicken the process and also allows unskilled labour to handle complex work easily. However, construction businesses need to identify the right type of formwork to use for their projects.

So, what are some qualities of good formwork? Let’s take a look.

  • Strength and durability — quality formwork requires the ability to handle all types of load, including deadweight and moving
  • The formwork should be able to retain its shape in tough Therefore, it requires a rigid make and should be reinforced vertically and horizontally.
  • Formwork is required to prevent leakage at all costs. The joints and ridges of formwork need to be tight and well-fitted.
  • Formwork material should be light and flexible enough to cater to easy transportation, storing, and
  • Formwork material has to stay non-reactive to the elements such as rust, water, and
  • In order to fit various concrete structures and help with construction, formwork needs to be easily removable and

All of these features of good formwork lead to quick and easy construction work. The use of plastic formworks caters to almost all of the above-mentioned requirements.

Steps in using plastic formwork in concrete construction works

Now that we’ve discussed why we need formwork and the benefits of using it, it’s time to understand its usage. Let’s look at the main steps involved in using plastic formwork in concrete construction.

The procedure for using plastic formwork for construction involves 3 main phases.

  1. Obtaining the plastic formwork as per your construction requirements
  2. Preparing the construction site to build the formwork
  3. Applying the concrete into the fixtures Obtaining the plastic formwork
  • Depending on your construction type, obtain the plastic formwork from your supplier in the size and shape
  • Once the cargo is delivered, double-check the dimensions and quality of the formwork before
  • Prepare the construction site
  • Excavate the construction site to ensure there is no debris, water, or other contaminants that might affect the
  • Using a measuring tape, measure and specify the corners where the concrete structures need to be You can also use strings to mark the borders to get a three-dimensional picture of the site.
  • Use the plastic formwork pieces along the previously marked areas to build the framework for the Use the strings as a guide to place the plastic formwork.
  • Adjust the grooves on the formwork pieces and fit them together, ensuring there are no spaces in
  • Add reinforcements with additional plastic pieces to help support the entire formwork Apply the concrete
  • Mix the concrete according to the pre-specified ratio of water and
  • Begin pouring the concrete into the plastic formwork structure, starting from the side farthest from
  • Even out the poured concrete using a screen rod that is longer than the formwork
  • Remove excess concrete after smoothing down the area and ensuring there are no holes or

These are the broad steps involved in using plastic formwork in concrete construction. Let’s now look at an example of using plastic formwork to build a specific component of a building.

Example of a plastic formwork system

Let’s describe an example of how to use plastic formwork in concrete construction. The construction for this example is the walls of a regular housing structure. The plastic formwork is in the form of square plastic pieces that can be connected together using grooves. Here’s the procedure that’s followed.

  • The wall panels for the house are put together using the plastic formwork pieces, after which the infrastructure is put in
  • Conduits, steel bars or reinforcement, pipes, door frames, window frames, and other such fittings are positioned onto the plastic
  • Once done, the fittings are reinforced into place using a second set of plastic panels. There is now a cavity between the two sets of wall
  • Lightweight concrete is now poured into the opening until it fills up every available space
  • The mortar is then left to dry and set The panels of the plastic formwork are then individually removed from the structure.
  • The house walls are sturdy and ready for the remaining construction

It’s as simple as that! The removed plastic formwork parts are cleaned with water and reassembled for use on the next project. The use of plastic formworks allows for almost zero wastage and high reusability. Transporting the pieces is also very easy owing to their light-weight and flexible nature.

Actual reviews have shown that plastic formwork can be reused for up to 50 houses. This is a huge benefit in terms of cost-reduction on getting new material each time.

Additionally, the plastic need not be disposed of after 50 uses. It can instead be recycled and converted into household items like toilet seats and other plastic fittings. It’s no wonder,  therefore, that construction businesses around the globe are leaning more towards the use of plastic formworks.

Begin using plastic formwork in your concrete constructions

With the detailed steps in place and an understanding of how to use plastic formworks and the various plastic formwork applications, you are set to begin your construction journey. Remember some important tips like wearing protective gear when starting construction activities. Gloves, goggles, and good shoes are essential components when you get down to the actual construction site.

Always keep safety and efficiency in mind when you start to use plastic formworks. The benefit offered by plastic formworks is that it is the easiest type of formwork to use. Even unskilled labour can make use of plastic formworks to build a wall in as little time as a day!

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